Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kissing in Different religions and traditions

Muslim kiss black stoneMuslims may kiss the Black Stone Alhajar Al-Aswad during Hajj during pilgrimage to Mecca.

In the gospels of Matthew and Mark (Luke and John omit this) Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss—an incongruous instance of aJudas betray jesus with a kiss kiss intertwined with betrayal. This is the basis of the term 'the kiss of Judas'

The holy kiss or kiss of peace is a traditional part of most Christian liturgies, though usually replaced with a handshake today in Western cultures

The pope will kiss the ground on arrival to a new country.

Visitors to the pope traditionally kiss his foot. (The ring of a cardinal or bishop, hand of a priest.)Kissing Bihsop's ring on the hand

Jews will kiss the Western wall of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and other religious articles during prayer such as the Torah, usually by touching their hand, Tallis, or Siddur (prayerbook) to the Torah and then kissing it. Jewish law prohibits kissing members of the opposite sex, except for certain close relatives. See Negiah.

Kissing pope on feetEastern Orthodox Christians often kiss the icons around the church as entering, they will also kiss the cross and the priests hand in certain other customs in the Church, such as confession or receiving a blessing.

Catholics will kiss rosary beads as a part of prayer, or kiss their hand after making the sign of the cross. It is also common to kiss the wounds on a crucifix, or any other image of Christ's Passion.

Hindus and Sikhs sometimes kiss the ground of a temple.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazed to read your blog ..............
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